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January 4th 2006
Jake went from an addict with no criminal record to a lengthy prison stay in less than a year.  Someone is waiting there to hear his story and receive help and they don't even know it yet.
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Melanie Solomon
Melanie states:

"Since my addiction was to prescription pills, I told my counselors I wasn’t an alcoholic, and they would just snicker and say I was in denial and that by the end of my stay, I would become “one of them.” And that’s exactly what happened. After repeating, “I’m Melanie, alcoholic” many times throughout the day for 90 days, the message got internalized, and this is what I became.

.. I was one of the fortunate ones who didn’t die from this ride. I know many others who weren’t so lucky. But during this period, I was so hopeless and filled with shame, guilt and remorse, that I thought that those who died were the lucky ones; at least they were finally at peace.