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Master and Mistress Pheromones

Eddy Freddy


It sounds goofy, we know, but we can find no other explanation for our elevated moods when we use it.

Synopsis: A pheromone liquid applied to the upper lip or elsewhere on the body to enhance mood and sensuality.

Eddy's Review: Being a couple is an overall treat! You have a partner to talk too, listen too, touch each other with, and that’s just a few of the benefits.  Looking for erotic things to do and play with is a never ending search for us.  So when we came upon a pheromone derived enhancement product, it piqued our interest.  We were introduced to The Master and Mistress by Victor Goth, Inc. at the AVN show in Las Vegas earlier this year.  One of the vendor booths had a young couple standing in it dressed in medieval costumes.  They were showcasing their product named The Master and Mistress. 

Within small roll-on vials was a liquid that had pheromone properties that enhanced your own pheromones.  So when you had it on, it would heighten your own pheromones which would bring out your sensuality by making the wearer feel more confident, sexier and a bit more erotic thus, make the wearer more apt to receiving suitors that would basically be attracted by these many attributes.


What is a pheromone?  Pheromones are naturally occurring chemicals that send out subconscious scent signals to the opposite sex that trigger very powerful sexual responses.  Pheromone signals are detected through an organ 3 inches inside the nose called the Vomeronasal Organ (VNO). When the VNO detects pheromones, it sends a sexual response signal to the brain.

VNO Function: Pheromone Communication: The Vomeronasal Organ or VNO is the receptor organ of a sensory system involved in chemical communication. Among mammals, sex Pheromones that advertise sexual readiness to potential mates are often, although not necessarily exclusively, detected by the VNO. Odors that are produced by one individual and detected by another of the same species are called "Pheromones" if the process is a real communication with benefit to both individuals. Sexual communication is only one example.

So as time passed by, we ended up having a small soiree with our friends Shelley and Bob from Passion Products Group and Jordan of Bonkum.  We ate our selves silly with Freddy’s fabulous cooking and were sitting around having a delightful time talking about politics, religion and everything you’re not suppose to talk about at the dinner table when Freddy brought out the Master and Mistress.  So we all took a couple of swipes above our lips of the appropriate fragrance roll-on and continued our evening.  We laughed and cajoled for another couple hours enjoying ourselves immensely.  After the evening had ended and we were snuggled up in bed, we rehashed the evening’s events and noted that after we had put on the Master and Mistress, our conversations were much more livelier while everyone’s motions and actions where more animated than usual.  We put those notations into our memory banks and then made love of course!

Afterwards, we would try the Master & Mistress periodically to see how we would feel.  And we again noted that we would feel really happy and upbeat within the next couple of hours after trying the fragrance roll-on.  It was a bit disconcerting that we could not explain why we felt so good after wearing the Master and Mistress.  But as we read more and more about pheromones, it made sense.

The Master and Mistress each have their own fragrance.  The Mistress uses a blend of human derived pheromone with Ylang-Ylang and Ginseng.  It has a very sweet smell at first, but the strength of the aroma dissipates quite quickly, leaving you with an ever so slight fragrance that makes you feel light and airy.  It comes in a 10 ml roll-on glass applicator where you can put it on up to 4 times daily.  Once you have applied the fragrance on, it will be good for 3 to 4 hours.  I’ve been using my applicator about 2 times daily for a couple of weeks and it’s barely showing any usage.  The 10 ml will last you a good 3 months if you apply it daily at its’ maximum use.

Overall, the Mistress is a fun and unique product that I derive great benefits from.  First, it enables me to feel happy and sexy for myself.  And if I can’t feel sexy about myself then how can I be sexy for Freddy?  I think that having the ability to make myself feel positive and more confident by enhancing my own pheromones, makes this product a winner.

Freddy says: OK, if you were to see two people dressed in medieval costumes at an adult convention, what would YOU think? I have been skeptical about the whole pheromone thing for years and this struck me as just another gimmicky way of packaging the same old thing. Don't get me wrong - the couple running the booth were very nice and seemed to hold a sincere belief in their product; however, it's pretty hard to take someone trying to explain the science of human sexual chemistry when they're dressed like extras from "Pirates of the Caribbean." Suffice it to say we accepted some samples and politely took our leave.

Some weeks later, we were having dinner at our home with Jordan (aka Bonkmaster) and friends Bob and Shelley. We were all beginning to wind down from the onslaught of food to which I always subject our guests and for some reason we began talking about the AVN show and some of the stranger sights we'd beheld while there. Who popped into the conversation? The Master and Mistress folks and their weird costumes. I quickly rummaged through my home office and brought out the samples we had picked up and we all applied a healthy dose to our upper lips. I'll be darned if the mood and conversation didn't suddenly picked up and we continued to laugh and have a great time for another hour and a half! Coincidence?

Still unconvinced, we decided to try our pheromones on numerous occasions, and we continued to garner the same results - happier moods, livelier conversations, and more intimate awareness of each other. To this day, we continue to dab a little on in the evenings to perk things up. I don't know if I'm just buying into some sort of psychological thing or if they are legitimately working, but for us we can't deny the results.

In summary, I still don't fully buy into the whole pheromone thing. That said, there must be some reason human beings are drawn sexually toward one another and pheromones at least have some scientific support under them. I can only conclude that, at least for me, Master and Mistress seem to be the real deal. Now if only they'd get rid of those costumes...

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