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SyberWorks LMS e-Learning Implementation Video Podcast Series

Episode 16: Interview with Officer Frederick Ryan of the Arlington MA Police Department (Transcript) Del.icio.usTechnorati


Announcer: SyberWorks podcast. Learn any time, any place.

David Boggs: Welcome to the next edition of the e-Learning Implementation Podcast series, where we look at real world learning management system implementations and e-Learning program rollouts. SyberWorks specializes in custom e-Learning solutions, running management systems and e-Learning development for corporations, governments and non-profit institutions.

My name is Dave Boggs and I am the CEO of SyberWorks and your host today. Today, we are talking with Frederick Ryan, Chief of Police for the Arlington, Massachusetts Police Department, about how they use the SyberWorks’ police training management system to track and manage their training of officers and department personnel.

Good afternoon, Chief, thanks for agreeing to talk with us today.

Frederick Ryan: Good afternoon, Mr. Boggs.

David: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do for the Arlington Police Department?

Frederick: Certainly. I currently serve as the Chief of Police in Arlington, Massachusetts. I have been in law enforcement and community policing for more than 25 years, and I am a member of and serve on many professional law enforcement associations, both locally here in Massachusetts as well as nationally.

David: Great. And could you tell us a little bit more about the town of Arlington and a brief description of your department?

Frederick: Certainly. Arlington is a suburb of the city of Boston. We are about six miles from downtown Boston. We have a population of just under 50,000 people. Our department is made up of about 65 sworn law enforcement professionals as well as about 15 support staff.

David: Great. What are some of your department’s objectives and goals for training officers and employees on how you will be using the SyberWorks' police department training management system?

Frederick: Certainly. Training is an essential function of any law enforcement agency and, as such, as we move forward with setting our goals, it has long been a goal to establish e-Learning in our department and to use technology for training of community policing activities and policy implementation. Using a web-based training management system helps us to achieve these goals.

David: Are there any other training goals that you would like to share with us?

Frederick: Certainly. It has long been a goal of the police department to have an online system that helps manage all of our training and give us the ability to scan in paper certificates and document training the police officers received, both locally and across the country.

Another goal is to make e-Learning an everyday experience for police officers, and SyberWorks’ police training and management system helps us achieve that goal.

Furthermore, we are an accredited law enforcement agency and, as such, in our goal to reach national accreditation through the [inaudible] standards, we don't only want to issue policy to police officers, we also want to have the ability to distribute those policies electronically, and to train police officers on their understanding of those policies.

David: Well, that sounds great, Chief. I know you are a very busy man and you got to get going, but thank you very much for your time today and have a great afternoon.

Frederick: Well, thank you for having me and it is great to have SyberWorks as our training partner.

David: Thank you Chief.

This is Dave Boggs, CEO of SyberWorks. Thank you for watching our interview with officer Frederick Ryan, Chief of Police for the town of Arlington, Massachusetts on the SyberWorks' LMS e-Learning Implementation Podcast series. Talk with you next month.


Announcer: SyberWorks Podcast. Learn anytime, anyplace.