Living Large...Logically??

What in the world does logic have to do with living large as a disabled person or for that matter for anyone?   Well, it all has to do with being consistent.  Consistency wins just about every time - ever heard of the tortoise and the rabbit?  Who won that race?  Of course,  we're not just talking about speed - rather its knowing yourself, understanding why you think what you think, what encourages and discourages you, what you value and why.  What is your worldview?  Do you see the world thru rose colored glasses?  Or are they deep muddy brown?  Is the glass half empty? Or half full? Do you think of yourself as a pessimist or an optimist?  Why?  Why not? 

Understanding these very things will help you to succeed in your dreams, goals, hopes and aspirations because you will be focused like a laser beam! 

So as a compliment and add-on to our Living large Audio Series, please use the links below and begin exploring these questions for yourself.  You may be surprised by what you find and that very discovery could set you on a path toward Living a Large Life for the rest of your days and pulling others along with you!!

Living Large Logically!!!
Listen now!  13:06

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Chapter 1 a 9 Page preview of Living Large Audio

Living Large Logically Articles!!

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